Hashimoto Foods

Eggs mimosa
Cook Time:
15 minutes
2 people

4 free range eggs
1 medium and ripe avocado
4 slices of streaky bacon
1 Tsp Paprika
1 dessert spoons extra virgin olive oil
Juice from half a lemon
Place the 4 eggs in a pan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 2 minutes, then move the pan off the heat and leave the eggs in the water for another 3 minutes after which you can remove them and cool them under a running cold tap then set aside. Now grill or fry the bacon until it is crispy then leave to cool.
Peel the eggs carefully and once peeled slice in half lengthways. Scoop out the hardened yolks and add these to a food blender/processor. Now remove the stone from your avocado and peel, adding the flesh inside to the blender. Add the olive oil, a couple of twists of pepper from a pepper mill, the paprika and finally the lemon juice and blend it all together into a paste.
To finish, scoop the mixture out of the blender and place back in the cavity left by the egg yolks. Finally chop the crispy bacon into tiny bits and sprinkle these on the avocado mix in the eggs.