Hashimoto Foods

Singapore-Style Noodles
Cook Time:
10 - 15 minutes
3 - 4 people

2 eggs
Spice mix (1 1⁄2teaspoons cumin seeds, 1⁄2teaspoon whole black peppercorn, 1⁄2teaspoon cardamom from pods, 1⁄2inch cinnamon stick, 1⁄4teaspoon whole cloves, 3 dried Thai red chillies, 2 teaspoons sea salt)
½ a white cabbage
1 Romano red pepper (capsicum)
20 cm piece of fresh ginger
1 turmeric root
1 carrot
2 free range chicken breasts
1 teaspoon powdered fenugreek
2 dessert spoons Sesame oil+ 1 teaspoon Sesame oil
4 dessert spoons Sake or rice wine
1 dessert spoon Tamari sauce
8-12 large shrimp (I bought frozen pre-prepared ones, defrost and have ready to cook with according to instructions on the packet)
100 g mung-bean noodles or rice noodles
Begin by breaking the eggs into a bowl and using a whisk to mix them together with a twist of salt and pepper. Pre-heat a non-stick frying pan with 1 teaspoon Sesame oil and, when hot, pour in the eggs. Cook until hard then use a spatula to flip and finish the omelette then place on a board and leave to cool. Continue by toasting the spices for the spice mix in a dry frying pan until smoking or popping then transfer to a grinder and grind to a powder, then set aside. Now prepare the chicken by removing any sinew or fat then cutting the meat into long thin strips. Peel, top and tail the carrot then chop into thin strips and set aside before de-seeding the red pepper and cutting this into the same sized strips. Then peel and grate both the turmeric and ginger and set aside. Finally, remove the core of the cabbage half then cut into manageable pieces and use a kitchen machine to cut this into thin strips.
Now you are ready to cook. First place a large wok on a medium to high heat and add one dessert spoon of sesame oil. While this is heating add the mung-bean noodles to a saucepan, boil a kettle and cover with the boiled water then leave for 5 minutes before draining. While it is sitting for 5 minutes add the chicken pieces to the wok and stir fry until the meat is sealed (white all over) then remove to a plate. Add another dessert spoon of sesame oil then stir fry the ginger and turmeric for 1 minute before adding the Romano pepper and carrot and stir frying for another minute. Add the cabbage and stir fry for a minute or two before adding the chicken, rice wine, powdered fenugreek and Tamari. Stir fry for another 3-5 minutes until the chicken is cooked then add the omelette slices, drained noodles and shrimp then fry for another minute stirring constantly before serving onto plates.